Friday, August 27, 2010

Before and After: Salon 307

Two weeks ago I had the lovely task of moving back into the Zeta House. This is always a huge undertaking and quite exhausting. Thanks to my wonderful mother's ABUNDANCE assistance, I got my room in tip-top shape in no time. I believe that we have successfully transformed this sad and bare room into a cozy retreat :) I quickly found that our room would turn into a gathering place for our fellow Zetas that need assistance with any and all beauty needs. During recruitment, we often had a line of people waiting for an appointment in Salon 307.

In my decorating adventures I created a rather useful and adorable organizer for all of my long necklaces. 1/2 price oblong open-back picture frame from hobby lobby and a piece of peg board was a very easy design solution! I was very proud of my creation. And the wonderful thing is that if you bring the frame with you to Lowes, they will cut the peg board to the exact size needed for each project.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

#1: First Ad

So I am now approaching the next big milestone in my life . . . turning TWENTY-ONE. Weird right? Anyways, I've decided that I want to compile a list of 21 things to do before I turn 21! The list is still in fine-tuning process but I've got to get started. No time to waste!

The first thing checked off the list was to see the very first advertisement that I designed PRINTED in a REAL, PROFESSIONAL magazine :)

It was a so excited, it was almost surreal.

This is not the most attractive photo I've ever taken . . .
but I believe it captures my extreme excitement.

Bobbye was with us for the adventure!

inRegister Magazine, August 2010
Baton Rouge, La. Page 25 :)

I can't believe that the summer is already over. I have one more week at work, with LOTS of work to do. But then two weeks off for recruitment and then I start my NEW job! It is truly going to be an insane semester. But let's be honest . . . every semester is insane. with. out. fail. I'll be working in a similar position as this summer. But my primary job will be to design a 24 page magazine that is mailed to people who support the University. I am really looking forward to getting started on this project!

This summer has definitely been very busy, stressful and an adventure . . . but so incredibly worth it! I feel like I have finally accomplished something entirely on my own. I got this job based on my own merit and hard work and not someone pulling strings for me. It is nice to finally feel like I am on the right track and where I am supposed to be.