"I know this dream I'm chasing very well might go and be the death of me." — Ben Rector
Ben said it perfectly. I believe that this perfectly sums up this season of life for me. Crazy. Busy. Intense. OUT. OF. CONTROL. But it is the life I love and who knows . . . maybe it will kill me, but I think it's worth it ;)
So, to the few people out there in the world that actually care about the minute details of my life . . . I apologize for my lack of posting over the last few weeks. My life has been . . . busy to say the least. I will do my best to give you a little recap.
Fall Break October 21-24
This weekend was marvelous. Just marvelous! I started off the weekend with a relaxing drive to Shreveport on Wednesday night. Sometimes this drive can be draining and lonely, but on this occasion it was especially enjoyable. I rediscovered a playlist on my iPod that perfectly suited my mood. It was great to have four hours of solitude to clear my head. I spent Wednesday night at home hanging out with my puppy and catching up with the family.
The next morning I SLEPT LATE! This is a very rare occurrence in my life these days, so it was much appreciated. After a restful sleep I hit the road again to spend a few days with my sister and her husband. It had been several months since we had spent one-on-one sister time and it was exactly what we both needed. I was able to see her house (with furniture in it this time!) and it was so cute! She is such a perfect little housewife. We went shopping, made glittered pumpkins for her fall table and ate LOTS of yummy food.
Next stop: House of Blues for the Ben Rector concert with my long-time friend, Khristen. The concert was wonderful in every way and I even discovered some new music! Jillian Edwards was the opening. . . opening artist and she is incredible. I CANNOT stop listening to her album. Spent the night with Khristen's family and then headed back to Shreveport to spend a little more time with my family. It was a perfect weekend :)
EC Elections
My beautiful roommate, Gina, and I after the last round of Recruitment 2010.
The next major focus of my life for the last month has been preparing for officer elections for the Executive Council for Zeta Tau Alpha. I have been selected as the next Vice President of Recruitment and Membership for my chapter! I spent almost three weeks slaving over my 13 page application and preparing for my interview and I am very excited to get to work! I will be responsible for planning every aspect of Spring and Fall Recruitment and Recruitment workshop.
This is a very big position . . . and honestly I have NO clue what I am getting myself into . . . but at the same time I am looking forward to tackling the challenges ahead. I think that this position will afford me many opportunities to grow as an individual and as a leader; and I am looking forward to see where this next year will lead me. I am buckled in and ready for the ride!
SPOILER ALERT!! If you are directly related to me...PLEASE don't look at the digital edition! I have hard copies and want you to see the real version first :) so please ignore the following:
The publication I have been working on all semester at my internship is finally completed! It was very surreal to actually see it in print. I have been working on this project for months and months and it was a great feeling of accomplishment to hold it in my hands and know that I designed the entire thing — cover to cover.
The final aspect that has consumed my life is school. This week has been especially out of control. We had a project due every day this week AND our junior portfolio is due tomorrow. It has been a week of very little sleep but it is all worth it because I am very happy with the outcome of all my projects. This semester has been challenging for me. I have been stretched to the max and significantly uninspired with my work. This week I created some of my best work and I no longer feel like an EPIC fail this semester. It was such a relief to finally put together work that I am proud to put in my portfolio!
NoCOFFEE November
On a completely separate note . . . I have embarked upon noCOFFEE November. I have now made it 12 FULL days without ANY coffee! And if you only knew how much of a challenge this is...you would be impressed :) I have created this challenge for my self for several reasons:
1. The amount of caffeine I consume on a regular basis shouldn't be legal.
2. It is ABSURD how expensive coffee is. I am trying to save money and see how much of a difference it makes at the end of the month. (DAD: this one is juuuuust for you! :) haha)
3. I genuinely feel better when I drink less coffee and more water.
4. I like a challenge ;)
Well I suppose that about covers it! I will do my best not to fall off the face of the plant again any time soon!
I didnt realize how much has happened in your life over the past few weeks! I feel like I've shared these moments with you too.lol
And what do you mean that you "Have no clue what you are getting yourself into?"
You were so involved in Recruitment last year, (Well i guess you did just do the little video). Anyways, you're going to do amazing!
Love you!!!!!
I loved this update! I have missed our emails, but I know you are so busy! Miss you, my friend! Next time you come to see Leigh Anne and if you have time, let me know and we can all go grab lunch! I love you!
Thank you for finally updating me on your life! I was missing your blog so much that I might have considered posting updates for you ;) I loved our time together, so very much. Can't wait to see you again, tomorrow!
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