Saturday, January 1, 2011

#4 Dinner Party

Hostest With the Mostess

The next item on my list was to plan and prepare a dinner party for my friends and family. Due to the fact that I don't have a kitchen when I am at school, my knowledge of cooking is very limited. New Year's Eve sounded like a good night to have this little gathering. Everything turned out really great (Matthew had three I guess it was good?) I made my famous BBQ Chicken, green bean bundles, Nani's twice baked potatoes and homemade bread.

A few things I learned:

- It takes a really long time to cook an entire meal! At our house we have double ovens and I had something in each oven at all times for hours!

- Then there is the quandary of how to keep everything hot for when your guests arrive. Timing is everything.

- Always have extra. I made enough food for what I estimated was 12 hungry people, but I was really only expecting 9. At the end of the night all of the platters were completely empty! (But I suppose that means everyone liked it! ha)

- "Ideally, if you serve a fruit salad, you probably shouldn't serve a apple pie." — Lenae M. Scott, Founder of the Lenae M. Scott School of Hospitality

- "Cookies aren't an acceptable dessert for a dinner party." — Lenae M. Scott

Santa brought all of the girls matching aprons :)

Wonderful friends to celebrate!



Chris and Stephanie Morris

Love the aprons and I absolutely love your mom's quotes! I'm so proud of you for cooking for everyone!

Leigh Anne

you are too cute and so fun! love mom & all her insight and wisdom. we should make her a blog where she can record all this!

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