Thursday, November 11, 2010

Missing In Action

"I know this dream I'm chasing very well might go and be the death of me." — Ben Rector

Ben said it perfectly. I believe that this perfectly sums up this season of life for me. Crazy. Busy. Intense. OUT. OF. CONTROL. But it is the life I love and who knows . . . maybe it will kill me, but I think it's worth it ;)

So, to the few people out there in the world that actually care about the minute details of my life . . . I apologize for my lack of posting over the last few weeks. My life has been . . . busy to say the least. I will do my best to give you a little recap.

Fall Break October 21-24

This weekend was marvelous. Just marvelous! I started off the weekend with a relaxing drive to Shreveport on Wednesday night. Sometimes this drive can be draining and lonely, but on this occasion it was especially enjoyable. I rediscovered a playlist on my iPod that perfectly suited my mood. It was great to have four hours of solitude to clear my head. I spent Wednesday night at home hanging out with my puppy and catching up with the family.

The next morning I SLEPT LATE! This is a very rare occurrence in my life these days, so it was much appreciated. After a restful sleep I hit the road again to spend a few days with my sister and her husband. It had been several months since we had spent one-on-one sister time and it was exactly what we both needed. I was able to see her house (with furniture in it this time!) and it was so cute! She is such a perfect little housewife. We went shopping, made glittered pumpkins for her fall table and ate LOTS of yummy food.

Next stop: House of Blues for the Ben Rector concert with my long-time friend, Khristen. The concert was wonderful in every way and I even discovered some new music! Jillian Edwards was the opening. . . opening artist and she is incredible. I CANNOT stop listening to her album. Spent the night with Khristen's family and then headed back to Shreveport to spend a little more time with my family. It was a perfect weekend :)

EC Elections
My beautiful roommate, Gina, and I after the last round of Recruitment 2010.

The next major focus of my life for the last month has been preparing for officer elections for the Executive Council for Zeta Tau Alpha. I have been selected as the next Vice President of Recruitment and Membership for my chapter! I spent almost three weeks slaving over my 13 page application and preparing for my interview and I am very excited to get to work! I will be responsible for planning every aspect of Spring and Fall Recruitment and Recruitment workshop.

This is a very big position . . . and honestly I have NO clue what I am getting myself into . . . but at the same time I am looking forward to tackling the challenges ahead. I think that this position will afford me many opportunities to grow as an individual and as a leader; and I am looking forward to see where this next year will lead me. I am buckled in and ready for the ride!


SPOILER ALERT!! If you are directly related to me...PLEASE don't look at the digital edition! I have hard copies and want you to see the real version first :) so please ignore the following:

The publication I have been working on all semester at my internship is finally completed! It was very surreal to actually see it in print. I have been working on this project for months and months and it was a great feeling of accomplishment to hold it in my hands and know that I designed the entire thing — cover to cover.


The final aspect that has consumed my life is school. This week has been especially out of control. We had a project due every day this week AND our junior portfolio is due tomorrow. It has been a week of very little sleep but it is all worth it because I am very happy with the outcome of all my projects. This semester has been challenging for me. I have been stretched to the max and significantly uninspired with my work. This week I created some of my best work and I no longer feel like an EPIC fail this semester. It was such a relief to finally put together work that I am proud to put in my portfolio!

NoCOFFEE November

On a completely separate note . . . I have embarked upon noCOFFEE November. I have now made it 12 FULL days without ANY coffee! And if you only knew how much of a challenge this would be impressed :) I have created this challenge for my self for several reasons:
1. The amount of caffeine I consume on a regular basis shouldn't be legal.
2. It is ABSURD how expensive coffee is. I am trying to save money and see how much of a difference it makes at the end of the month. (DAD: this one is juuuuust for you! :) haha)
3. I genuinely feel better when I drink less coffee and more water.
4. I like a challenge ;)

Well I suppose that about covers it! I will do my best not to fall off the face of the plant again any time soon!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lenae M. Scott School of Hospitality

This year my parents both hit the milestone of turning 50 so I had the grand idea to throw them a little party. In August I pitched the idea to Leigh Anne and she ran with it. I knew she would do a great job at figuring out all of the details while I was in school. When we both arrived in Shreveport around 4:30 on the day of the party, we were not entirely sure how everything was going to come together. But somehow or another we pulled it off!

1. We got in town approximately 2 and a half hours before the guests were scheduled to arrive. Quite a short time frame to get everything together. I unloaded my car while waiting for Matt and Leigh Anne to arrive. Once we got everything set up at the church we headed out to pick up balloons while the boys went to pick up the taco meat, chips and salsa.

This is where it got interesting. It is now 30 minutes before the party and we are literally driving about a mile down the street. We are about to pull into the parking lot when I see a tundra pull up behind us. Me: "Leigh Anne...Dad just pulled up behind us." (insert 15 minutes of freaking out while in party city) Text from Matt: "Negative sighting. Pops is at the house. I repeat, Pops is at the house. I have a location confirmation from cdseagles. Subject was out running at the time of sighting." (insert collective sigh of relief!)

2. This segment of the evening required some intense skill: getting my dad out of the car...and actually to the party. For this task we enlisted Mrs. Linda and Mrs. Mary along with their husbands. We knew it would be pretty easy to get mom to the church: "We need to go pick up some supplies that the middle schoolers collected for our mission trip to Romania." But the catch is Dad need to be there too..."But they are in bags and will be really heavy." Success.

Let's just say they were shocked. Dad thought this was something Mom had cooked up but when he saw her reaction (plastered against the wall) he realized that it was for her too.

3. My friend Leah helped me make the cakes for the party. They turned out looking great and tasted pretty good too! We lucked out with having the perfect amount of cake.

4. We had two sombreros that Chad smuggled out of the house for a "school project" and considered using them as decoration...but then we had the genius idea to make our parents wear them. They were pretty good sports ;)

5. My mom's friends said it perfectly when she told Leigh Anne and I that we had clearly graduated from the Lenae M. Scott School of Hospitality. Mom trained us well! Everything went off without a hitch. I was very exhausted by the end of the party but I felt very grown up all at the same time. And I do believe that Mom has never been happier!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tag! You're It!

So in the "blogworld" sometimes fun little posts get passed around and if you get "tagged" you keep it going, how fun! My sister Leigh Anne tagged me so I'll answer the 8 questions she asked me, then come up with 8 of my own and tag 8 of YOU to answer MY questions. Well....I don't think that I actually have 8 friends with blogs...but you can tag 8 people next time. ha.

Got it? Good! Here we go!

1. What is your most favorite thing about fall?
My favorite thing about fall BY FAR is being able to wear scarves! I have quite a extensive scarf collection. My favorite scarf my friend Stephanie brought it back to me from her travels in Prague!

2. How would you spend your perfect Saturday?
Ahhh....the perfect Saturday! Does that even exist?? Well let's see: There would most definitely not be ANY football. One of my least favorite part of Saturdays is LSU Game Day. Over 100,000 people invade campus and I am trapped at home because if I leave there won't be anywhere to park. The perfect saturday would definitely include sleeping very late and then laying in bed watching movies all day. I used to do this in high school (you know...back in the good ole days when I actually had free time.) So anytime that I have a day off without any school or work or responsibilities, this is how I would spend it! Oh and order a pizza from JOHNNY'S for it's perfection.

3. What is something you've learned recently?
I have gotten a HUGE lessons in how to handle confrontation. It feels like every few days over the last few weeks something has come up, and normally I would just brush it off and ignore the problem. But in efforts to try and be a big girl...I have made a significant effort to learn how to deal with issues rather than brushing them under the rug.

4. Do you like the seasonal drinks at Starbucks or stick to your year-round favorite?
Yummm....Starbucks, this is my true weakness. My personal favorite treat on a cool fall day is a white chocolate mocha, no whip. My summer drink is a mocha whip. (And Dad: If you are reading this, I will do everything in my power to overcome my addiction and stop spending so much money...ha)

5. What is your favorite meal to make?
Well seeing as I live in a sorority house...don't have a kitchen...and only know how to cook things that come in a box...I am going to go with my favorite meal that we have at the Zeta house is fried catfish, fried okra and hushpuppies! (heart attack on a plate...I know...but I love it!)

6. How do you spend your evenings?
Homework. Projects. Kinko's. Zeta events. Meetings. Sleep? (Maybe?)

7. Are you passionate about anything? Why?
I am passionate about of many things...ergo one of the reasons why I am so busy. I love my job at the LSU Foundation. I love my sorority and being on our Executive Council. I am passionate about missions and serving and loving the people around me. I think this is the one area that could definitely use more attention in my life. More than any of these things, I love my family and the amazing influence they have on my life and who I am.

8. If you were given $20 to spend on anything, what would you spend it on?
Coffee...reference #4. I, Elizabeth Scott am a coffee addict.

Now for my questions:

1. What musician have you recently discovered?
2. What is your favorite way to enjoy this beautiful time of the year?
3. What is one thing that everyone should do before graduating college?
4. What literary character do you most identify with? Why?
5. What is your favorite family tradition?
6. What is your favorite family recipe?
7. How did you meet one of your best friends?
8. What made you happy today?

Valeria @ The Typewriter
Kariss @ karisslaree

Friday, October 1, 2010

Join the Fight!

Today is the beginning of National Breast Cancer Awareness month. This disease affects women all across the country everyday but we can do something about it!

Yoplait Yogurt pink lids are now available at your local grocery store and each and every lid makes a difference. For each lid collected, Yoplait will donate 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, but for each lid collected by my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha, and extra 5 cents will be donated to the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation which supports Breast Cancer Awareness and Education. ZTA is a national partner with Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Yoplait among many other organizations that are working for a cure for breast cancer.

Now it is your turn to do you part:

Eat Yoplait.

Collect the lids.

Mail clean lids to:
Delta Kappa Chapter of ZTA
C/O Elizabeth Scott
P.O. Box 25102
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70894

You can even print out the picture at the top of this post to remind yourself of the huge impact that your contribution can make.

15 cents per lid can go a very long way in the fight against this terrible disease. Last year our chapter collected over 9,000 pink lids and this year our goal is 13,000 lids. Please help us reach our goal and join the fight!!

You can read more about the work ZTA is doing nationally by checking out our national website.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

here's to the crazy ones.

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify them or vilify hem. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never bee written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

— Apple Commercial, 1997


Saturday, September 11, 2010

here comes the sun :)

I came across these prints by Rifle Paper Company and thought they were pretty fitting for my life :)

On a separate note, I had a great day at work on Friday! I am now waist deep in my new job working for the LSU Foundation. I working for the same organization that I worked for this summer but in a different office and with completely different responsibilities. My official title is "Art Director for Cornerstone Magazine." How awesome is that?! I am solely responsible for designing a 40 page magazine that is distributed to supporters of the University.

At the beginning of this task I wasn't really sure how it was all going to come together. My personal design style is typically more elegant and organic rather than commercial and corporate. This job has challenged my to integrate creative, elegant design into a corporate world.

On Friday I feel like I finally made a breakthrough and figured out this balance. The last few weeks at work I have basically been making everything up along the way. Now I feel like this publication lots of potential and that is a great feeling :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Keeping my head above water?

One thing I have learned so far this semester that it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to live in the present. I am constantly looking forward to something that is juuust beyond my reach.

My goal this semester was to do my best to remain positive about my life. Honestly I feel like I am failing at this goal everyday. I don’t particularly have anything specific to complain about, it is just a never-ending cycle of exhaustion.

For example: Labor Day. I had a very relaxing weekend in Shreveport spending time with my family and a few friends. It was great to for the first time in a month not worry about my to-do list and have fun. I got back to Baton Rouge around 11 Monday night to be greeted by the fact that I had an unfinished project waiting for me. I was under the impression that we only had to do one more step but in fact we had to finish the project. So all of my rest and relaxation from the weekend went right out the window. (Granted working over the weekend probably could have solved this but that is a completely separate issue.)

The point I am attempting to make is this: I constantly reach these points in my life where I choose to take time for myself and to have fun. Each and every one of these times I am greeted by to reality with the fact that the amount of work I have on my plate has quadrupled.

I suppose it is about time I quit my grumbling about my life. I just needed to be Negative Nancy for a few moments.

On a positive note: I am greatly looking forward to fall.

(Too bad this picture is in the northeast and fall never
looks like this down in south louisiana...but still....makes me happy)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Before and After: Salon 307

Two weeks ago I had the lovely task of moving back into the Zeta House. This is always a huge undertaking and quite exhausting. Thanks to my wonderful mother's ABUNDANCE assistance, I got my room in tip-top shape in no time. I believe that we have successfully transformed this sad and bare room into a cozy retreat :) I quickly found that our room would turn into a gathering place for our fellow Zetas that need assistance with any and all beauty needs. During recruitment, we often had a line of people waiting for an appointment in Salon 307.

In my decorating adventures I created a rather useful and adorable organizer for all of my long necklaces. 1/2 price oblong open-back picture frame from hobby lobby and a piece of peg board was a very easy design solution! I was very proud of my creation. And the wonderful thing is that if you bring the frame with you to Lowes, they will cut the peg board to the exact size needed for each project.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

#1: First Ad

So I am now approaching the next big milestone in my life . . . turning TWENTY-ONE. Weird right? Anyways, I've decided that I want to compile a list of 21 things to do before I turn 21! The list is still in fine-tuning process but I've got to get started. No time to waste!

The first thing checked off the list was to see the very first advertisement that I designed PRINTED in a REAL, PROFESSIONAL magazine :)

It was a so excited, it was almost surreal.

This is not the most attractive photo I've ever taken . . .
but I believe it captures my extreme excitement.

Bobbye was with us for the adventure!

inRegister Magazine, August 2010
Baton Rouge, La. Page 25 :)

I can't believe that the summer is already over. I have one more week at work, with LOTS of work to do. But then two weeks off for recruitment and then I start my NEW job! It is truly going to be an insane semester. But let's be honest . . . every semester is insane. with. out. fail. I'll be working in a similar position as this summer. But my primary job will be to design a 24 page magazine that is mailed to people who support the University. I am really looking forward to getting started on this project!

This summer has definitely been very busy, stressful and an adventure . . . but so incredibly worth it! I feel like I have finally accomplished something entirely on my own. I got this job based on my own merit and hard work and not someone pulling strings for me. It is nice to finally feel like I am on the right track and where I am supposed to be.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ask Sherwin Williams

I figure it is about time that I pay tribute to the current ad campaign by Sherwin Williams. I think that it is genius. Probably one of the most creative campaigns that I have seen in a while. They take something as simple as paint chips and transform them into an entire world of endless possibilities.

The designs are perfect to be run during the summer time. The bright colors are wonderful and summer is when most people attempt to knock a few things off of their "honey-do" list. Also I appreciate the small details such as the paint chips in the corners with the logos.

It's genius.

Let's just say . . . next time I have the opportunity to purchase house paint, I'll skip Home Depot and just ask my buddy Sherwin.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Backpacking with DAD!

Last week my dad and I spent four days backpacking through California near Yosemite National Park.

Day 1:
Arrived at Summit Base Camp and learned everything we needed to know about surviving in the wilderness for the next 4 days. We packed our backpacks...and I am estimating that they were between 40 and 50 pounds. Lets just say it was a challenge not to tumble backwards with it on. We then took an hour ride to the trailhead where we would set off on our journey. On the first hike we didnt go very far, but the hike was very steep. We got to our destination and set up camp. We then cooked chicken burritos for dinner. Not the worst thing I've ever had, but I got tired of canned chicken real fast.

Day 2:
This day we had a much longer hike, about 2 miles to our next campsite. Now this doesn't sound too hard, but keep in mind the following: we were at over 8,000 feet in elevation and carrying 40 pound packs. Let's just say my lungs couldn't keep up with my legs. Our next camping location was right next to a lake. It was so refreshing to go for a swim! The water was freezing, but it felt great! The other girl on the trip, Ali, brought some "illegal substances" aka shampoo which was greatly appreciated when we got to wash up. Later that evening storm clouds started rolling in. According to our instructors "It NEVER rains in the Sierras in July." Well these clouds decided to camp out right over our heads for a few hours and we saw lightening in the distance. So we pitched the tents incase it started to storm and were instructed on "lightning drill." Thankfully the storm clouds passed and the lightening never got too close.

Day 3:
Today was a very busy day! We got up and hiked a few miles down to our final campsite at the base of The Golden Toad. We then hiked a little more to get to our rock climbing spot. We spent a few hours climbing and then went back to the Toad where we would repel! This was by far the coolest thing of the whole trip. We tied a special knot onto each of the four fixed lines. This know would allow you to slide it up the rope, but if you slipped, it would tighten up and catch you. I was the first one of our group to go, and we were basically scrambling up boulders to get to the top. Once everyone in our group made it to the top, it was time to repel. We were repelling off of a 200 foot cliff! It was very intimidating, but VERY cool! Later that night while sitting around the campfire, some people in our group heard a "visitor" who wanted to join the party. By the time the turned the flash lights on, it was gone. But supposedly they could hear footsteps and heavy breathing...and our instructors said it was probably a black bear. freaked me out. I made dad check behind the bushes before we got into our sleeping bags.

Day 4:
I survived the night. No sign of a bear. We woke up really early this morning because we had to meet up with all of the other groups at 7 for a worship service on the side of the mountain. Then we hiked a little further and finally got back on the buses. We drove back to base camp and unloaded our gear and then had a wonderful pizza lunch by the lake. I was not planning on swimming...but got thrown in anyways....I was not too happy about that. When we FINALLY got back to our hotel it felt so so so wonderful to take a shower! hallelujah! After getting cleaned up we ate dinner at In-N-Out burgers and went bowling. It was a great way to end the trip with the wonderful people we had gotten to know!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Weekend With Dad

Since I have Monday off from school and work, I got to drive home late friday night. Got to see mom and Chad off to the airport for their mission trip to Mexico. Saturday night we cooked ribs (compliments of Uncle Patrick) and I cook mashed potatoes and a delicious green bean side dish. - Place 4-5 cut green beans in half a piece of turkey bacon.
- Stick a toothpick in it to hold it all together
- Sprinkle brown sugar and a touch of butter on top
- Cook for as long as listed on the bacon package
- Enjoy!
* approved by David A. Scott

Then Sunday for lunch we celebrated the Forth with some Bar-B-Que Chicken. It was super easy and turned out great!
- Covered the chicken with kraft original bbq sauce, drizzle with a little honey, a pinch of
salt and pepper.
- Wrap each chicken in aluminum foil
- Cook for 20 minutes at 450

Seeing as I NEVER cook, I was very proud of myself :)

Then tonight we sat outside and watched the neighbors shoot off some small fireworks. The youngest boy was so scared of the loud noises, but after a while he got used to it. He was adorable!

Then we went and parked on top of the hospital parking garage and watched fireworks going off ALL over the city!

It was so much fun this weekend! Great to get away from school and work for a few days and relax.

one week left of class :) whoo hoo!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Work Week Wrap Up!

This summer I am working for the Forever LSU Campaign, the primary fundraising organization for the University. I am responsible for designing 24 print advertisements that will be printed in two prominent Baton Rouge magazines, The Monthly Business Report and the InRegister...AND the football program!

Over the past ten days we completed 27 individual photo shoots of LSU students all around campus. The photo shoots were stressful: early morning shoots before class, back to back shoots in the afternoons, running ALL over campus, fighting the weather and the sun...BUT I had opportunities to visit many parts of campus that regular students never even know about!

- Walked by Head Coach Les Miles' office, while he was chillin' at his desk. I was FAR to busy to stop by and chat with him. ;)

- Football Trophy Room, football training facility and the chute where the football team runs out onto the field....where the "WIN!" bar is located above the door.

- Ariel Silk Dance Studio: BY FAR the coolest shot we got. Pieces of silk are hanging from the ceiling, and the dancer climb up them, wrap them around their feet and hang upside down. Cirque de Soleil style.

We are also going to be cutting down the video that Leah and I created for the Student Video Contest to 30 seconds and it will be used as a commercial run on Cox Cable during the month of October centered around football programing as well as being played in Tiger Stadium before the games.

Check back on the Forever LSU link on the right for updates and examples of my designs!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

new blog!

So I got bored with my old blog...ergo...I decided to make a new, PRETTY one! Thanks to Leigh Anne for the assistance to find cute templates :)

I have no clue what my intent is for this blog...but we shall see. Maybe a little portfolio work, maybe a little fun, maybe we will see!

Anywho...mainly I am just avoiding working on homework at the moment...I suppose I should get back to that.